
Making Your Event More Fabulous

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Making Your Event More Fabulous

As soon as I purchased a place of my own, I decided that it would be incredible to throw a few fun parties. Instead of holding small family get-togethers, I started planning all-out bashes that would really help my family and friends to cut loose. The events were very memorable, fun, and exciting. After planning a few successful parties, I decided to work with a professional to make my events even more fabulous. Overnight, my parties changed for the better. Friends started commenting on the interesting themes and great food. This blog is all about making your next party truly special.

Married 24 Years? Unique Gift Ideas For The Musical Anniversary

Most people recognize that the twenty-fifth anniversary is the silver anniversary, and the fiftieth is the golden anniversary. Gifts given for these milestones typically match the marker by which it's known, with some form of silver given on the twenty-fifth and something gold given on the fiftieth. If you're looking to celebrate an upcoming 24th anniversary as something special, it's marked as the musical anniversary. Here are some great gift ideas for a spouse who doesn't play an instrument but still enjoys music.

A Music Box

If your wife has memories of having a small music box on her vanity as a young girl but lost the box over the years, giving her a new music box as an anniversary gift not only marks the musical anniversary, but also gives her something that will remind her of her childhood. If she still has her music box from childhood but it no longer works, a local repair shop can get it back up and running so that she can enjoy the soft music once again.

Instrument Lessons

For a spouse who has always wanted to learn how to play a specific instrument, booking a series of instrument lessons is a great way to honor an interest they've had for some time while also marking the musical anniversary at the same time. Look for in-home lessons with someone who will supply the instrument until you're sure that he or she will want to continue playing, and include a gift certificate to a local music shop to let them pick out their instrument when they are ready.

Broadway Tickets

If your spouse loves music and the arts but isn't interested in playing, why not plan a night out to enjoy music in the form of a Broadway show? Broadway is iconic, and the shows they perform are truly memorable. Broadway tickets are a great way to mark your anniversary with memories that will last forever. Plan an entire evening of it with dinner in a nearby restaurant that has soft, live music to really round things out.

There are many outside-the-box options for celebrating a musical anniversary. Think about what your spouse truly enjoys and try to find something that will speak to their personal interests as well as the anniversary marker itself. From concerts to new stereo systems or even time in a recording studio, the possibilities are nearly endless. With so many ways to incorporate music into celebration, you're sure to find the right gift.