Making Field Trips Fun: Preparing For Your Child's Very First School Field Trip
Kids and adventure are a natural combination — but that doesn't mean that your child won't be a bit apprehensive as they face the prospect of their very first school field trip. It's important that you help make this a great experience for your child, and it's easy to help set them up for success with a few simple prep tips. Read on to learn how you can help make your child's first field trip the first of many fun school adventures for them.
Get the Details Well Ahead of Time
One of the key elements in making the field trip a success for your child is making sure that they follow the school's guidelines. Your child's teacher will typically provide all students with an information sheet containing this information a few weeks ahead of time. This often accompanies the permission slip that you'll need to sign and return to the school. You should note details such as:
- What should children wear on the field trip?
- Is lunch (or any other meal) provided during the field trip?
- Will children need money for anything like souvenirs or snacks during the field trip?
- Can children bring entertainment devices along for the field trip?
- Do children need to bring along any school books, notebooks, or any school supplies?
Having this information in hand and preparing accordingly allows you to guard against last-minute panic that could undermine your child's confidence and enjoyment on the field trip.
Do Some Research on the Destination
Do some research on the field trip destination so that you can help generate some excitement in the days leading up to the trip. Show your child photos of the destination and tell them what type of activities they'll get to participate in while there. If you've visited the destination before, remind your child of those trips and talk about how much fun it will be to see it with a new group of people.
Have an Extra Quiet Night
Since it's your child's very first field trip, they may be quite nervous, excited, or both the night before. Make the night before the trip into a very calm experience. Have an early dinner and then ease into a calming bedtime routine. Avoid anything loud or overly stimulating — this isn't the best night to watch action adventure or scary movies on TV. Help your child pick a favorite book and allow them to read before bed instead. It will help their mind focus on something else and may just relax them enough to sleep in spite of their excitement about the big day tomorrow.
With the tips above, your child can have a successful first field trip. In fact, they may just return from their trip asking when the next one is scheduled!
For more information about field trips, contact an establishment like Pinto's Farm.